Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pure Brilliance!

So this semester my roommates and I have decided to cook. Yep, you heard it... I'm cooking!
Monday through Thursday we have a home cooked meal. Each of us girls takes a night and we cook for everyone. It's been the best idea EVER! We're eating healthy and we don't have to just cook for one person (because honestly who goes through all of that for one person?). It's AMAZING!
Any meal ideas?
My first dinner was homemade pot pies! MMM...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Meet Laken/ Laiken...

Meet Laiken...Now meet Laken...
Yes, these darling girls are both named Laken/Laiken.
Who knows a Laken/Laiken?
I didn't...
I now know two...
I also live with two!
What are the odds?

My Family Dear!

Oh how I love this crew!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Good Bye Summer, Hello Fall!

Oh how I will miss you summer time! Here is a small glimpse...
4th of July Fireworks (Shalese, Jace, Me, Corey, Laken)
Another pool party at the Roods (Me, Stephanie, Shalese, Laken)

Lindquist/Weber Fireworks (Michelle, Kandyce, Me, Shalese, Steph)

Bear Lake Baby! (Jaqui, Michelle, Kandyce, Me, Steph)

Bear Lake again... (two psycho girls?)
Yet another bear lake pic (Me, Kandyce, Jaqui, Steph)

Lava! Woot! Yes, I'm attempting a back flip off of the platform... No, I didn't hit my face on that diving board! (Jace above, Me doing whatever that is)

Camping in central Utah... of all places? (Skeen, Nuefford, Jani, Todd, Brodford, Michelle, Shakese, Me, Margi)

Some concert in the park? Ryan Shupe I think? (Shalese, Me, Kelci, Jeni, Sara)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Shout Out to The Ambassadors!!!!

I am going to miss Ambassadors with ALL of my Heart because...

The BEST of Friends....

Constant involvement...
Scrounging for food...
Laughing until Crying...

Werewolf... (:

The Vegas Fair...
Insanely RAD Bosses...

Wednesday morning meetings in pj's with the retainer still in...
Rubber band wars... (As much as I hate em')
The retreats...
Best buds...
Leadership games... (ok, maybe a little burned out of those)
Big fat hugs...
M*A*S*H on the white board...
Awkward spiratic dance moves...
Office hours... (honestly, I admit I'll miss em')
Talking about everyones dating/love life...
The "Kissing Bell Curve"...
Analyzing relationships...
Water fights...
Counseling each other...
Campus tours...
A SUPER High Energy Group...
Super passionate, opinionated people...
Did I mention the lifelong friends?
Once an Ambassador always an Ambassador!!! Hats off to you WSU!!!
I'm soOOOOOOOO happy I still have a little time left there. I'll be soaking up every bit of it!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Adventures of Jackson!

This weekend a group of friends and I went up to Jackson Hole. We were prepped with lots of sunscreen and bug spray! Of which all went to waste! What we should have been prepared with was water resistant spray, parkas, hoodies, pocket warmers, goulashes and hot cocoa. My bad, for some reason I thought it was JUNE?!?! We literally were wringing our clothes out and had to take sleeping bags to the laundromat to dry!

The best was floating the river! We started out waking up in puddles and heading down the river in a storm. I'm sure people looking down from the road above were thinking "What morons! Who would float the river in this weather?!" Well, we did and it was a BLAST! We may have all been in a state of hypothermia but it's all about the experience!
Check out for the pictures we were all to cheap to buy!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wasatch Back! Woot!

'What am I doing?' Is the question that has come to my mind most often lately. I have always loved to run but when I think of going running I usually go about four miles or so. Well, the other day I was talking to a friend who works for the Sports Plex and the conversation of the Wasatch back came up. It's always been something I've wanted to do and lets just say I spoke to soon! Sure enough I was blind sided by the question of whether I wanted to run it with his team. "YEAH!" I responded, "When is it?" Brody said "Well it's coming up soon, the 19th and 20th of June!" Yikes, I now only have about two weeks to train!

I ran about 9 miles the other day and felt pretty good afterwards. I run really slow so thank goodness my team says they aren't in it to win!

All together my legs add up to be between 16 to 19 miles. Wish me luck! :)