Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wasatch Back! Woot!

'What am I doing?' Is the question that has come to my mind most often lately. I have always loved to run but when I think of going running I usually go about four miles or so. Well, the other day I was talking to a friend who works for the Sports Plex and the conversation of the Wasatch back came up. It's always been something I've wanted to do and lets just say I spoke to soon! Sure enough I was blind sided by the question of whether I wanted to run it with his team. "YEAH!" I responded, "When is it?" Brody said "Well it's coming up soon, the 19th and 20th of June!" Yikes, I now only have about two weeks to train!

I ran about 9 miles the other day and felt pretty good afterwards. I run really slow so thank goodness my team says they aren't in it to win!

All together my legs add up to be between 16 to 19 miles. Wish me luck! :)


  1. Wow!! I wish you could see my eyes popping out of my head!!! You are so AWESOME. I"m excited for you and wish I could be there to cheer for you when you cross the finish line.

    I was just wishing I had you here to work out with me {aka Train me}. Oh well...maybe you can help me when we are there in July.

    I'll be thinking about you!!

  2. Way to go wonder woman! Seriously, you are my idol!
