Thursday, September 3, 2009

Good Bye Summer, Hello Fall!

Oh how I will miss you summer time! Here is a small glimpse...
4th of July Fireworks (Shalese, Jace, Me, Corey, Laken)
Another pool party at the Roods (Me, Stephanie, Shalese, Laken)

Lindquist/Weber Fireworks (Michelle, Kandyce, Me, Shalese, Steph)

Bear Lake Baby! (Jaqui, Michelle, Kandyce, Me, Steph)

Bear Lake again... (two psycho girls?)
Yet another bear lake pic (Me, Kandyce, Jaqui, Steph)

Lava! Woot! Yes, I'm attempting a back flip off of the platform... No, I didn't hit my face on that diving board! (Jace above, Me doing whatever that is)

Camping in central Utah... of all places? (Skeen, Nuefford, Jani, Todd, Brodford, Michelle, Shakese, Me, Margi)

Some concert in the park? Ryan Shupe I think? (Shalese, Me, Kelci, Jeni, Sara)

1 comment:

  1. Oh you are a beaut!! A beaut I tell ya!! I love you. You are living THE life my dear. I would trade ya in a minute!! xoxoxo
